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Faculty and Staff
LastName | FirstName | DepartmentName | VM | Emails |
Abrams | Julie | After School Sports Coordinator/ Sub Coordinator/KTP Coordinator | 227 | jabrams@hilleldayschool.org |
Ackerman | Cassie | EC2A Associate | 300 | cackerman@hilleldayschool.org |
Amos | Orna | LS Judaics ETGAR | 302 | oamos@hilleldayschool.org |
Aronovski | Ivana | EC4C Lead | 303 | iaronovski@hilleldayschool.org |
Asher | Bina | 5C Secular AM Lead/ 5A Secular PM Lead | 411 | basher@hilleldayschool.org |
Atias | Sari | KC Judaic AM Associate/ KA Judaic PM Associate | 402 | satias@hilleldayschool.org |
Baer | Gwenn | Early Childhood Director | 218 | gbaer@hilleldayschool.org |
Barany | Rabbi Eliezer | MS Judaics | 405 | ebarany@hilleldayschool.org |
Bayen | Pnina | Business Office Manager | 502 | pbayen@hilleldayschool.org |
Beim | Cara | EC3A Lead | 305 | cbeim@hilleldayschool.org |
Ben Nun | Tsahala | Bnot Sheirut | 270 | bnot@hilleldayschool.org |
Ben-Harari | Liora | MS Judaics | 315 | lharari@hilleldayschool.org |
Bistricer | Leah | EC2B Lead | 403 | lbistricer@hilleldayschool.org |
Bitterman | Nessa | 3-5 Math Enrichment | 301 | nbitterman@hilleldayschool.org |
Braun | Yael | MS Science | 324 | ybraun@hilleldayschool.org |
Butman | Shireen | Principal [General Studies, Grades 1-5] | 289 | sbutman@hilleldayschool.org |
Carolan | Jill | LS Science and GS support | 318 | jcarolan@hilleldayschool.org |
Cheplowitz | Malka | 2C Judaic AM Associate/ LS Floating Teacher | mcheplowitz@hilleldayschool.org | |
Cohen | Frumie | EC4B Lead | 308 | fcohen@hilleldayschool.org |
Cohn | Bridget | Receptionist | 200 | bcohn@hilleldayschool.org |
Cremer | Robin | MS Support | 413 | rcremer@hilleldayschool.org |
Daum | Miriam | EC3A & EC4 Floating Teacher Support | 309 | mdaum@hilleldayschool.org |
Davis | Nili | Director of Counseling & Support, Early Childhood | 256 | ndavis@hilleldayschool.org |
Donev | Kos | Physical Education | 244 | kdonev@hilleldayschool.org |
Dorfman | Dr. Penina | School Psychologist, Gr 1-5 | 243 | pdorfman@hilleldayschool.org |
Doss | Wyatt | MS Social Studies | 312 | wdoss@hilleldayschool.org |
Doss | Christie | 3A Secular AM Lead/ 3C Secular PM Lead | 378 | crodriguez@hilleldayschool.org |
Drang | Rabbi Yaakov | 5A Judaic AM Lead/ 5C Judaic PM Lead | 313 | ydrang@hilleldayschool.org |
Edelson | Hillary | 2A Secular AM Lead/ 2C Secular PM Lead | 321 | hedelson@hilleldayschool.org |
Einhorn | Sue | MS Science | 386 | seinhorn@hilleldayschool.org |
Eisenberger | Rabbi Gershon | Technology Director | 314 | geisenberger@hilleldayschool.org |
Elazar | Yael | EC2 & EC3B/C Floating Teacher Support | 387 | yelazar@hilleldayschool.org |
Etzion | Michelle | MS Hebrew Language | 322 | metzion@hilleldayschool.org |
Farbstein | Esther | Business Office | 712 | efarbstein@hilleldayschool.org |
Farrell | Dr. Gryselle | MS English | 325 | gfarrell@hilleldayschool.org |
Feder | Nechama | MS English/ MS Eng Chair/ LS ELA Coordinator/ MS Judaics | 316 | nfeder@hilleldayschool.org |
Frankel | Adam | Permanent Subsitute | 414 | afrankel@hilleldayschool.org |
Fromowitz | Karen | KA Secular AM Lead/ KB Judaic PM Lead | 331 | kfromowitz@hilleldayschool.org |
Galai | Adina | 5 Hebrew Language/ MS Hebrew Language | 332 | agalai@hilleldayschool.org |
Gale | Michael | MS Social Studies | 319 | mgale@hilleldayschool.org |
Geller | Yael | KA Secular AM Associate | 381 | ygeller@hilleldayschool.org |
Gerlitz | Tami | KC Judaic AM Lead/ KA Judaic PM Lead | 320 | tgerlitz@hilleldayschool.org |
Gil | Tova | 2C Judaic AM Lead | 311 | tgil@hilleldayschool.org |
Glaun | Lauren | K Floating Teacher Support | 333 | lglaun@hilleldayschool.org |
Gold | Arell | MS English | 317 | agold@hilleldayschool.org |
Goldberg | Rabbi Chaim | 5B Judaics Lead AM/ 5 Judaic Etgar PM | 365 | cgoldberg@hilleldayschool.org |
Goldenholz | Shera | 5B Secular Lead PM | 328 | sgoldenholz@hilleldayschool.org |
Greenblatt | Frieda | 1B Secular PM Associate | 354 | frubin@hilleldayschool.org |
Gurin | Naama | EC2B Associate | 384 | ngurin@hilleldayschool.org |
Guttman | Ayelet | 3C Judaic AM Associate/ 3B Judaic PM Associate | 369 | aguttman@hilleldayschool.org |
Haddad | Simone | Music Teacher | 307 | shaddad@hilleldayschool.org |
Hall | Julie | MS English | 415 | jhall@hilleldayschool.org |
Heilbron | Roni | Bnot Sheirut | 270 | bnot@hilleldayschool.org |
Hernandez | Marcos | Facilities | 308 | mhernandez@hilleldayschool.org |
Herschman | Ester | Director of MS Guidance & Support | 262 | eherschman@hilleldayschool.org |
Hersh | Nechama | EC4C Associate | 412 | nhersh@hilleldayschool.org |
Hornstein | Marilyn | 1A Secular Associate AM/ 3C Secular Etgar PM | 375 | mhornstein@hilleldayschool.org |
Jacobs | Simone | Director of Facilities | 274 | sjacobs@hilleldayschool.org |
Jacobson-Jacobowitz | Amy | MS English/ Social Studies | 337 | ajacobowitz@hilleldayschool.org |
Janock | Beth | 4C Secular Etgar AM/ 4B Secular Etgar PM | 326 | bjanock@hilleldayschool.org |
Kagan | Jordana | MS English | 398 | jkagan@hilleldayschool.org |
Kahan | Devorah | EC3B Lead | 327 | dkahan@hilleldayschool.org |
Kahane | Risa | Admissions Director | 276 | rkahane@hilleldayschool.org |
Kaminetzky | Jill | Assistant to the Head of School | 293 | jkaminetzky@hilleldayschool.org |
Kantor | Julie | 1-3 Secular Reading Specialist AM/ 1B Secular PM Lead | 358 | jkantor@hilleldayschool.org |
Kaplan | Rabbi Shalom | 4B Judaic AM Lead/ 4C Judaic PM Lead | 335 | skaplan@hilleldayschool.org |
Kaplan | Fran | 1 & 2 Math Support | 406 | fkaplan@hilleldayschool.org |
Kassorla | Rabbi Yosef | MS Judaics | 329 | ykassorla@hilleldayschool.org |
Keller | Rachel | MS Hebrew Language | 330 | rkeller@hilleldayschool.org |
Kinzbrunner | Rebecca | 1C Judaic AM Lead/ 3A Judaic PM Lead | 377 | rkinzbrunner@hilleldayschool.org |
Klebanow | Robyn | 1-3 Secular Reading Specialist | 334 | rklebanow@hilleldayschool.org |
Klein | Miriam | Support | 336 | mklein@hilleldayschool.org |
Kupfer | Dina | MS Secular | 353 | dkupfer@hilleldayschool.org |
Landa | Lori | Assistant to the EC Director | 500 | llanda@hilleldayschool.org |
Landreth | Spencer | LS STEM & MS Makerspace | 399 | slanderth@hilleldayschool.org |
Lanner | Rina | Principal, Middle School | 297 | rlanner@hilleldayschool.org |
Lasry | Rachel | LS Hebrew Language | 376 | rlasry@hilleldayschool.org |
Levin | Nechama | EC4 & K Judaic Reading Specialist | 389 | nlevin@hilleldayschool.org |
Levy | Bat-el | Gr 5-8 Math Teacher | 357 | blevy@hilleldayschool.org |
Lintz | Rabbi Daniel | MS Rebbe | 362 | dlintz@hilleldayschool.org |
Lisker | Sharon | 2A Secular AM Associate/ 2C Secular PM Associate | 400 | slisker@hilleldayschool.org |
Lobel | Perri | 1C Judaic AM Associate/ 3A Judaic PM Associate | plobel@hilleldayschool.org | |
Lobel | Yona | 2B Judaic AM Lead/ 2A Judaic PM Lead | 343 | ylobel@hilleldayschool.org |
Loren | Yael | Art Associate | 347 | yloren@hilleldayschool.org |
Lozano | Malinche | EC Science Teacher | 397 | mlozano@hilleldayschool.org |
Mabary | Yifat | EC Hebrew Teacher | 304 | ymabary@hilleldayschool.org |
Marin | Hana | 1B Judaic AM Associate/ 1A Judaic PM Associate | 339 | hmarin@hilleldayschool.org |
Mercedes | Esteban | Facilities Manager | 248 | emercedes@hilleldayschool.org |
Meyers | Sarah | MS Math | 342 | smeyers@hilleldayschool.org |
Miller | Lindsay | EC3C Associate | 383 | lmiller@hilleldayschool.org |
Mirsky | Cheryl | EC4 & K Secular Reading Specialist | 404 | cmirsky@hilleldayschool.org |
Mirzoeff | Rabbi Ari | MS Judaics | 344 | amirzoeff@hilleldayschool.org |
Mizrahi | Sara | EC3B Associate | 345 | smizrahi@hilleldayschool.org |
Morris | Adina | 4A Secular AM Lead | 359 | amorris@hilleldayschool.org |
Nati | Rachel | 2C Judaic AM Associate/ 3A Judaics PM Associate/ MS Hebrew | 366 | rnati@hilleldayschool.org |
Needleman | Susan | Assistant to the Principals | 391 | sneedleman@hilleldayschool.org |
Negri | Judy | LS Judaic Etgar | 361 | jnegri@hilleldayschool.org |
Nati |
Rachel |
LS Judaic Associate
2C Judaic AM Associate/ 3A Judaics PM Associate/ MS Hebrew |
423 | rnassy@hilleldayschool.org
rnati@hilleldayschool.org |
Noble | Robin | School Nurse | 214 | rnoble@hilleldayschool.org |
Oleyek | Dina | EC4A Associate | 348 | doleyek@hilleldayschool.org |
Paskal | Lizzie | 1-3 Secular Reading Specialist | 388 | lpaskal@hilleldayschool.org |
Pearlson | Rebecca | 3B Secular AM Associate/ 2B Secular PM Associate | 341 | rpearlson@hilleldayschool.org |
Peer | Carol | 3A Secular AM Associate/ 3C Secular PM Associate | 393 | cpeer@hilleldayschool.org |
Pinkis | Lisa | Art Teacher | 349 | lpinkis@hilleldayschool.org |
Plotsker | Deborah | EC4A Lead | 350 | dplotsker@hilleldayschool.org |
Poulos | Alexa | 4-5 Secular Reading Specialist | 407 | apoulos@hilleldayschool.org |
Rafaeli | Adi | 2B Judaic AM Associate/ 2A Judaic PM Associate | 351 | arafaeli@hilleldayschool.org |
Razla | Rabbi Adam | 4A Judaic Lead PM | 416 | arazla@hilleldayschool.org |
Reich | Isaac | Physical Education | 392 | ireich@hilleldayschool.org |
Reichenbach | Judith | KB Secular AM Lead/ KC Secular PM Lead | 338 | jreichenbach@hilleldayschool.org |
Rice | Suzanne | Development Director | 225 | srice@hilleldayschool.org |
Rodrigues | Moriah | LS Judaics ETGAR | 395 | mrodrigues@hilleldayschool.org |
Romanoff | Jennifer | Facilities & Event Coordinator | 713 | jromanoff@hilleldayschool.org |
Rudnick | Shany | MS Hebrew Language | 355 | srudnick@hilleldayschool.org |
Ruskin | Kayla | 5 Secular Etgar AM/ 1C Secular Associate PM | 385 | kruskin@hilleldayschool.org |
Salid | Peninah | 3C Judaic AM Lead/ 3B Judaic PM Lead | 356 | psalid@hilleldayschool.org |
Sax | Arielle | EC Permanent Substitute Teacher | 417 | asax@hilleldayschool.org |
Schulman | Julie | 1A Secular AM Lead/ 1C Secular PM Lead | 360 | jschulman@hilleldayschool.org |
Schwarzer | Aly | 3B Secular AM Lead/ 2B Secular PM Lead | 394 | aschwarzer@hilleldayschool.org |
Shaffer | Maia | Athletic Director/ KTP Coordinator | 246 | mshaffer@hilleldayschool.org |
Sharp | Shira | 1B Judaic AM Lead/ 1A Judaic PM Lead | 363 | ssharp@hilleldayschool.org |
Siegel | Sheri | KB Secular AM Associate/ KC Secular PM Associate | 364 | ssiegel@hilleldayschool.org |
Smolarcik | Hadassah | Principal [General Studies, Grades 1-8] | 268 | hsmolarcik@hilleldayschool.org |
Sobol | Rabbi Ariel | MS Judaics | 352 | asobol@hilleldayschool.org |
Stark | Lev | Executive Director | 288 | lstark@hilleldayschool.org |
Stein | Dr. Kalman | Educational Leadership Consultant | 291 | kstein@hilleldayschool.org |
Stern | Chaya | EC3C Lead | 382 | cstern@hilleldayschool.org |
Stern | Ruchie | 2 Judaic Associate | 418 | stern@hilleldayschool.org |
Struogano | Ofra | KB Judaic PM Associate | 367 | ostruogano@hilleldayschool.org |
Tinio | Marjorie | MS Science/ Science Dept Chair | 368 | mtinio@hilleldayschool.org |
Troy | Ellie | Program Director & MS Judaics Teacher | 419 | etroy@hilleldayschool.org |
Vine | Sari | MS Math/ Math Dept Chair | 370 | svine@hilleldayschool.org |
Vining | Elissa | LS Secular Support | 420 | evining@hilleldayschool.org |
Warman | Tziporah | MS Science Teacher | 421 | twarman@hilleldayschool.org |
Weg-Chametsky | Marisa | EC2A Lead | 379 | mwegchametsky@hilleldayschool.org |
Weisfeld | Deena | EC3A Associate | 396 | dweisfeld@hilleldayschool.org |
Wexler | Rabbi Matan | MS Judaic | 371 | mwexler@hilleldayschool.org |
Wiesel | Melissa | LS Support | 380 | mwiesel@hilleldayschool.org |
Willig | Aliza | 4C Secular AM Lead/ 4B Secular PM Lead | 422 | awillig@hilleldayschool.org |
Witztum | Samantha | EC Physical Education | 372 | switztum@hilleldayschool.org |
Yatzkan | Anna | EC4B Associate | 323 | ayatzkan@hilleldayschool.org |
Yunger | Keren | MS Support | 408 | kyunger@hilleldayschool.org |
Zaghi | Dori | MS Math | 373 | dzaghi@hilleldayschool.org |
Zangre | Nechamah | MS Math | 374 | nzangre@hilleldayschool.org |
Ziv | Sima | 2 & 3 Hebrew Language Support | 409 | sziv@hilleldayschool.org |